PowerPC™ 405 Processor Block Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 155
UG018 (v2.0) August 20, 2004 1-800-255-7778
ISOCM Output Ports
Table 3-8 describes the instruction-side OCM (ISOCM) output ports.
Table 3-8: ISOCM Output Ports
Port Direction Description
ISOCMBRAMEN Output This is a BRAM read enable from the ISOCM controller. This signal
is asserted only for valid ISOCM instruction fetch cycles. For the
fastest memory access applications, the BRAM enable input (EN)
can be locally tied to a logic 1 level. BRAM power consumption can
be reduced by connecting the BRAM enable input (EN) to the
ISOCMBRAMEN signal. If the enable is not tied to a logic 1 level,
a timing analysis must be run to verify that the design meets
frequency of operation requirements.
ISOCMBRAMRDABUS[8:28] Output Read address from ISOCM to BRAM. These 21 outputs correspond
to PPC405 address bits [8:28]. The read address bus is the path for
instruction fetch operations. These 21 address bits corresponds to
internal PPC405 address bits [8:28]. PPC405 address bits [0:7] are
compared against the ISARC register contents, and if a match is
decoded, further steps for instruction fetch are initiated
Note: Optional. Used in dual-port BRAM interface designs only.
In Virtex-II Pro, this bus provides the write address from the ISOCM
to BRAM via a DCR-based access. The bus value is initially set to the
value stored in the ISINIT register.
In Virtex-4, this bus provides both a read and write address via
DCR-based access. The bus value is initially set to the value stored
in the ISINIT register.
Note: Optional. Used in dual-port BRAM interface designs only.
This bus provides 32-bit write data from the ISOCM to BRAM via a
DCR-based access. It is connected to both the even and odd banks of
ISBRAM. It is initially set to the value stored in the ISFILL register.
Note: Optional. Used in dual-port BRAM interface designs only.
Write enable to qualify a valid write into a BRAM via a DCR-based
access. This signal enables a write into a memory bank that contains
odd instruction words, that are read back on
For Virtex-II Pro, connect this signal to both the Enable (EN) and
Write Enable (WE) inputs of a dual-port ISBRAM port for power
For Virtex-4, connect ISOCMBRAMODDWRITEEN to the Write
Enable (WE) input of a dual-port BRAM port and
ISOCMDCRBRAMODDEN to the Enable (EN) input of the dual
port ISBRAM.
For single-port ISBRAM implementations, this signal can be left