6 DGX-230/YPG-235 Owner’s Manual
The following is the title, credits and copyright notices for the song pre-installed in this electronic keyboard:
Mona Lisa
from the Paramount Picture CAPTAIN CAREY, U.S.A.
Words and Music by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans
Copyright © 1949 (Renewed 1976) by Famous Music Corporation
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved
Composition Title : Against All Odds
Composer’s Name : Collins 0007403
Copyright Owner’s Name : EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING LTD
All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized copying, public perfor-
mance and broadcasting are strictly prohibited.
Can’t Help Falling In Love
from the Paramount Picture BLUE HAWAII
Words and Music by George David Weiss,
Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore
Copyright © 1961; Renewed 1989 Gladys Music (ASCAP)
Worldwide Rights for Gladys Music Administered by Cherry Lane
Music Publishing Company, Inc.
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved
This product incorporates and bundles computer programs and contents in which Yamaha owns copyrights or with
respect to which it has license to use others’ copyrights. Such copyrighted materials include, without limitation, all
computer software, style files, MIDI files, WAVE data, musical scores and sound recordings. Any unauthorized use of
such programs and contents outside of personal use is not permitted under relevant laws. Any violation of copyright
Copying of the commercially available musical data including but not limited to MIDI data and/or audio data is
strictly prohibited except for your personal use.
GM System Level 1
“GM System Level 1” is an addition to the MIDI standard which ensures that any GM-compatible music
data can be accurately played by any GM-compatible tone generator, regardless of manufacturer. The GM
mark is affixed to all software and hardware products that support GM System Level.
As its name implies, “XGlite” is a simplified version of Yamaha’s high-quality XG tone generation format.
Naturally, you can play back any XG song data using an XGlite tone generator. However, keep in mind that
some songs may play back differently compared to the original data, due to the reduced set of control
parameters and effects.
USB is an abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. It is a serial interface for connecting a computer with
peripheral Devices. It allows “hot swapping” (connecting peripheral devices while the power to the com-
puter is on).
The Style File Format is Yamaha’s original style file format which uses a unique conversion system to pro-
vide high-quality automatic accompaniment based on a wide range of chord types.
Copyright Notice
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