Fuel Economy
This meter displays the distance per liter or
gallon when cruising for reference use by
the operator.
Repeatedly push and release the “mode”
button until the indicator on the face of the
meter points to “ECON.”
If twin engines are installed on your boat,
the meter will display only the total fuel
economy of both engines.
Fuel consumption varies greatly with boat
design, weight, propeller used, engine
trim angle, sea conditions (including
wind), and throttle position. Fuel con-
sumption also varies slightly with the type
of water (salt, fresh, and contaminate lev-
els), air temperature and humidity, cleanli-
ness of the boat bottom, engine mounting
height, skill of the operator, and individual
gasoline formulation (winter or summer
fuel and amount of additives).
The Yamaha digital speedometer and fuel
management meter calculates speed,
miles traveled, and fuel economy by water
movement at the stern of the boat. This
distance can vary greatly from the actual
distance traveled because of water cur-
rents, sea swells, and the condition of the
water speed sensor (partially plugged or
Individual engines may slightly vary in
their fuel consumption due to manufactur-
ing variations. These variations can be
even greater if the engines are of different
year models. In addition, variations in pro-
pellers, even of the same basic dimen-
sions of the same design, can also cause
a slight variation in fuel consumption.
E_69J10.book Page 18 Monday, May 28, 2001 9:52 AM