Part 5 – Creating a New Class via “Import Class”
1. Click the “Import Class” button. You will see a stan-
dard “open file” dialog. Select the text file (.txt) or
comma delimited file (.csv) to import.
2. The name of the file will appear in the “Edit Class
Name” field – rename the class.
3. Click the “Save Class” button.
NOTE: The import file should be a textfile (.txt) with
firstname <tab> lastname <return> OR a comma delim-
ited file (.csv) in the form of “firstname”,”lastname”<re-
turn> (Note the use of the double-quotes and comma.)
Spreadsheets are an excellent way to create such an im-
port file – enter firstname in Column A, lastname in Col-
umn B, and then “save as” textfile OR comma-delimited