Chapter10—Internal effects
— Operation Guide 167
❒ Recalling an effect program from the library
The AW4416 provides 41 effect types such as Reverb Hall, Gate Reverb, and Ste-
reo Delay. The effect type library contains factory-set effect programs that use
these effect types. Here’s how to recall an effect program of the effect type you
wish to use.
1. Press the [AUX 7] key → [F2] key.
The AUX7/EFF1 screen Library page will appear. A list of effect programs will be
• In general, the effect library is common to both effects 1 and 2. However,
effect program no. 19 “HQ-Pitch” can be used only by effect 2.
• Effect library 001–041 contain read-only effect programs using the corre-
sponding effect type.
• It is not possible to change the effect type of the currently used effect program.
For this reason, you must load a program that uses the desired effect type from
the library even if you wish to create an effect program from scratch.
2. Move the cursor to the list, and rotate the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the
program that you wish to recall.
When you select a program, the effect type used by that program will be dis-
played at the right of the list. For this example, let’s select the room reverb pro-
gram “Reverb Room.”