Long-term storage requires some preventive
procedures to guard against deterioration.
Thoroughly clean the snowmobile, inside and
out, to remove the corrosive salts and acids
that can accumulate. Use Yamaha Mud,
Grease, and Engine Cleaner, or an equivalent
product, to loosen mud, grease, and grime.
Wash with mild soap, then rinse and dry com-
● Improper cleaning can damage plastic
parts such as shroud, covers, wind-
shields, headlight lenses, meter lenses,
etc. Use only a soft, clean cloth or
sponge with mild detergent and water to
clean plastic.
● Do not use any harsh chemical products
on plastic parts. Be sure to avoid using
cloths or sponges which have been in
contact with strong or abrasive cleaning
products, solvent or thinner, fuel (gaso-
line), rust removers or inhibitors, brake
fluid, antifreeze or electrolyte.
● Do not use high-pressure washers or
steam-jet cleaners since they cause wa-
ter seepage and deterioration in the fol-
lowing areas: seals (of the slide rail
suspension, front suspension and
brakes), electric components (couplers,
connectors, instruments, switches and
lights), breather hoses and vents.
● For snowmobiles equipped with a wind-
shield: Do not use strong cleaners or
hard sponges as they will cause dulling
or scratching. Some cleaning com-
pounds for plastic may leave scratches
on the windshield. Test the product on a
small hidden part of the windshield to
make sure that it does not leave any
marks. If the windshield is scratched,
use a quality plastic polishing com-
pound after washing.
Lubricate moving parts, suspension linkage,
and pivot points. Use the grease or lubricant
specified in the MAINTENANCE section, or
Yamaha Lube-Zall general-purpose lubricant.
Proper lubrication fights corrosion while it re-
duces friction.
Fuel system (RS90GT / RS90LTGT /
Add Yamaha Fuel Stabilizer and Conditioner,
or an equivalent stabilizer, to the fuel tank to
help prevent fuel oxidation and gum and var-
nish deposits, and to inhibit corrosion in the
fuel system and injectors. In areas where ox-
ygenated fuel (gasohol) is used, consult a
Yamaha dealer.
Fuel system (RST90)
Add Yamaha Fuel Stabilizer and Conditioner,
or an equivalent stabilizer, to the fuel tank to
help prevent fuel oxidation and gum and var-
nish deposits, and to inhibit corrosion in the
fuel system and carburetor. In areas where
oxygenated fuel (gasohol) is used, completely
drain the fuel system. Consult a Yamaha
dealer if further information is needed.
Proper storage of the engine is essential to
prevent costly rust and corrosion damage to
internal engine components. This is more im-
portant in areas where oxygenated fuel (gas-
ohol) is used, because the alcohol content in
the fuel increases the chance for water to en-
ter the engine. Use Yamaha Stor-Rite Engine
Fogging Oil, or an equivalent fogging oil, to
protect both the combustion chamber and
crankshaft from corrosion. An alternate meth-
od is to remove the intake silencer (RS90GT /
RS90LTGT / RST90GT) or air filter case
(RST90), and squirt oil into the throttle bodies
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