Change of the heat range of spark plugs
Judging from the discoloration of spark plugs, if
they are found improper, it can be corrected by
the following two methods; changing carburetor
settings and changing the heat range of spark
9In principle, it is advisable to first use spark
plugs of standard heat range, and judging from
the discoloration of spark plugs, adjust carbure-
tor settings.
9If the calibration No. of the main jet must be
changed by ±30, it is advisable to change the
heat range of spark plugs and newly select the
proper main jet.
9When checking the discoloration of spark
plugs, be sure to stop the engine immediately
after a run and check.
9Avoid racing.
9When changing the heat range of spark plugs,
never attempt to change it more than ±1 rank.
9When using spark plugs other than standard,
make sure of the difference in heat range and
find the equivalent to the standard.
9Note that even if the discoloration seems prop-
er, it may slightly vary with the spark plug
maker and oil in use.
Standard spark plug BR9EG/NGK
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