Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 35
(Zebra Programming Language II) is Zebra Technologies
Corporation’s label design language. ZPL II lets you create a wide variety
of labels from the simple to the very complex, including text, bar codes,
and graphics.
This section contains three sample label formats for you to begin
experimenting with. It is not intended as an introduction to ZPL II. To
learn about ZPL II, contact your distributor or Zebra Technologies
Corporation for a copy of the ZPL II Programming Guide.
For each format, do the following:
1. Save the file.
2. Copy the file to the printer.
• Set up the printer and turn the power ON.
• Use a text editing program (e.g., Windows Write or DOS Editor)
and type in the label format exactly as shown in the sample label
formats on pages 36-37.
• Save the file in a directory for future use. Use the extension “ . zpl”.
• Copy the file to the Zebra S-Series Printer.
Note: Typically, computers running DOS use the “COPY” command to
send a file to the Zebra printer. For example, if your file name is
“format1.zpl” then type, “COPY FORMAT1.ZPL COM1”.
3. Compare your results with those shown. If your printout does not look
like the one shown, confirm that the file you created is identical to the
format shown, then repeat the printing procedure. If nothing prints,
refer to “Installation” beginning on page 7 to make sure your system is
set up correctly; otherwise, refer to “Troubleshooting” beginning on
page 65.