7/3/13 P1056468-002
active print server
how to interpret, 96
user menu item, 33
adhesive test for ribbon coating, 50
label left position, 87
label top position, 87
lower media sensor, 118
maximum label length, 86
media sensors, 115
print darkness, 83
print width, 85
printhead toggle pressure, 119
tear-off position, 84
backfeed sequence
how to change, 87
user menu item, 30
backfeed speed
selection, 89
backing removal, 113
bar codes
bar code does not scan, 138
bar codes label, 91
darkness comparison during FEED self test, 151
types of codes, 161
user menu item, 25
battery disposal, 124
baud rate
user menu item, 27
ways to set, 104
bitmap scaling factor, 94
black mark media
black mark specifications, 165
described, 47
selecting media type, 85
setting media type through user menu, 22
when to clean sensor, 125
broken ribbon, 146
buttons on control panel, 15
CALIBRATE button, 16
Auto Calibrate failed, 138
how to set as head-close action, 92
how to set as power-up action, 92
media/ribbon cal
procedure, 106
user menu item, 27
how to set for head-close action, 92
how to set for power-up action, 92
troubleshooting problems, 144
ways to initiate, 94
Canadian DOC compliance, 4
CANCEL button
CANCEL self test, 149
location, 16