Immediate Commands
14177L-003 APL-I Reference Guide 11/24/09
Immediate Commands
Immediate commands are executed when the printer receives them. The printer mode does not
Abort Print Job
Purpose To abort the current print job.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes The printer stops printing the current batch, but continues processing the other
commands in the buffer. The batch count is reset.
Error Code, Request
Purpose To check the printer for errors and warnings.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes The error code is either a command syntax error or a RAM usage error. A returned
ASCII number represents the latest error.
Important • If no error has occurred since the last power up, the printer returns a zero. When
this command is sent, the error code is always reset to 00.
Label and Gap Length, Transmit
Purpose To send the label length and gap length to the host.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes If you are using continuous media, the printer sends the length identified by the
Maximum Label Length, Set command. Label length is the length of the current label. If the
current label is longer than the distance between the printhead and the sensor, then the
previous label’s length is used.