ZXP Series Toolbox
P1013372-001 Rev. A Zebra ZXP Series 8 Card Printer with Laminator 89
Image Control
The Image Control window lets you make color adjustments to compensate for camera or
lighting conditions.
Keep in mind that these color adjustments modify how the pictures print. The adjustments do
not affect the image files. (That type of adjustment would be made in an image processing
application program.)
•The Monochrome Conversions dropdown menu lets you select Dither error diffusion,
Dither halftoning, or Dither pure black on white.
• Full Color Printing adjustments (-25 to +25 range) include Brightness, Contrast,
Gamma, Saturation, Red, Green, and Blue.
• Sharpening Filter options are None, Normal, and High. Note that these adjustments have
no effect on the preview image.
Depending on the radio button selected, you can use the color matching profile selected in
Properties > Color Management or you can disable the color matching profile.
The Save button saves your image control settings.
The Restore Defaults button restores the image control default values.