RMAN-QLS-002 rev. A Repair Procedures • 2-82 •
Tools needed
” Hex Driver
Remove the Upper Housing
1. Turn the printer off and remove the battery pack.
2. Remove the Upper Housing and the QuickLink Module (or the Wireless Housing
Module) per the procedure for AN16753-007.
Install the Connector Door
1. Slip the Door Connector over the tab on the Lower Housing as shown. Ensure
the Door is secured by the tab feature on the Lower Housing.
2. Reinstall the UpperHousing and the QuickLink module, the Wireless Housing, or
the PCMCIA antenna assembly.
You must use an ESD strap and work at a properly grounded workstation (antistatic mat or tray).
All electronic components must be placed on an ESD protective tray. If stored, any elec-
tronic components must be placed in antistatic bags.
connectoR dooR, QL420 & QL420 pLuS- an16753-020
Note locking tabs
on lower housing
Door Connector
p/n CA16404-1