102 R110Xi/R170Xi User Guide 23063L-003 Rev. 2 12/23/04
Data Ports
Serial Port
Serial Port
To communicate using the serial data port of the printer, you must choose the number of data
and stop bits, parity, and handshaking. Parity applies only to data transmitted by the printer
because the parity of received data is ignored.
The values selected must be the same as those used by the host equipment connected to the
printer. Default settings are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and XON/XOFF.
Connect the serial data cable to the female DB-9 connector (Figure 34) on the back panel of
the printer.
Figure 34 • Serial Connector
Use a DB-9 to DB-25 interface module for all RS-232 connections through a DB-25 cable. An
interface module is required for RS-422/RS-485 interface support (see RS-422/RS-485
Interconnections on page 106).
Note • For all RS-232 input and output signals, the printer follows the specifications of the
Electronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-232 and the Consultative Committee for
International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT) V.24.