System Related Commands
P1003638-003 TTP 8000 Technical Manual 10/19/2009
This command resets the parameters of the printer to default or any previously stored setup.
Temporarily sets all parameters to predefined values that are stored in the printer. To keep the
values as default, store them in the flash PROM with command <ESC>&<4>.
Unless you save the parameters, a reset command or power OFF/ON will return the
parameters to the settings stored in the flash PROM.
A number of bytes in the flash PROM hold various parameter values called default
parameters. One or several of them can be overridden temporarily with this command.
See Default Parameter Settings on page 71.
The permanently stored parameters will be used again after a printer-reset command or at
power ON.
The temporary values can, however, be stored in the flash PROM as permanent values with
command <ESC>&<4>.
Set several parameters at once
FromPar is the parameter number to start writing and ParCount is the number of bytes being
sent. For every byte sent the parameter number is incremented.
ESC & F n1
Reset Parameter Profile
1B 26 46 n1 Hex
27 38 70 n1 decimal
n = 1 – 5 Settings that can be stored by the user
n = 10 Zebra factory default setting
ESC & P n1...n2
Set Parameter Value
1B 26 50 n1...n2 hex
27 38 80 n1...n2 decimal
n1 Parameter number, range 1 -255.
n2 Parameter value.
Example • Sets the first 5 tabs to 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. (FromPar 15, ParCount 5).