QL Plus Series User Guide
WLAN Overview
QL Plus printers can be equipped with radios using the in-
dustry standard 802.11 protocols. They will have the FCC ID
number on the serial number label on the back of the unit.
• QLPlusseriesWirelessNetworkPrinterswiththeZebra
802.11g WLAN radio module can be identified by the text
“Wireless Network Printer” and FCC ID: I28MD -ZLAN11G
on the serial number label on the back of the printer.
• QL220andQL420Plusprinterscanbeconguredwith
both an 802.11b WLAN radio and a Bluetooth radio run-
ning in the same unit. At present only one dual radio con-
figuration is offered, with Bluetooth radio FCC ID “I28MD-
ber “I28MD-RW4137”. The FCC ID numbers and other
regulatory information for both radios are located on the
serial number label on the back of the printer.
These printers allow wireless communication as a node
within a local area network, (LAN) and its wireless capabilities
allow communications from any point within the LAN’s perim-
eter. Printers equipped with the dual Bluetooth and 802.11b
WLAN radio configuration can be linked to both a WLAN and a
Bluetooth network. Methods of establishing communications
to the printer will vary with each LAN application.
Methods of establishing communications to QL series print-
ers will vary with each LAN application. General informa-
tion on establishing WLAN communications can be found in
either the ”CPCL Programmers Manual” or the “Quick Start
Guide for Mobile Wireless Printers” both available on-line.
More information and LAN configuration utilities are included
in Zebra’s Label Vista™ program (version 2.8 and later). Label
Vista may be downloaded from the Zebra Web site.
Setting Up the Software
QL Plus printers use Zebra’s CPCL Programming language
which was designed for mobile printing applications. CPCL is
fully described in the ”CPCL Programmers Manual”, available
on-line at
www.zebra.c om/manuals
YoucanalsouseLabel Vista™, Zebra’s Windows
based la-
bel creation program which uses a graphical interface to cre-
ate and edit labels in the CPCL language.