980541-001 Rev. A P640i Card Printer User Guide 73
Technical Note 9 - Installing the
Windows Printer Driver
First things first
For any of the operations described in this section you
need the P640i Driver Software. This is on the Driver
CD. It may also be downloaded from the Zebra
Support Web page.
Driver CD
If you have the CD, place it in the computer’s CD-
ROM drive. This will display the Zebra Printer Setup
screen. Follow the screen instructions to Uninstall or
Install, referring where necessary to the additional
information in this section.
Downloaded software comes to you as a self-
executing application, available from zebracard.com/
atlantek. Before you download, make a note of the file
name, and where it will be saved on the computer’s
hard drive:
1. Click Download, then choose somewhere to store
the file temporarily (the Desktop is a convenient
2. Navigate to that location, then launch the Printer
Installer by double clicking the downloaded file.
3. Click OK. This brings up the WinZip Self-
Extractor, which will put the unzipped
(decompressed) files in their default location
(c:\zebra\driver), unless you choose a different
location. Click Unzip. The Self-Extractor will
then announce that it has successfully unzipped a
number of files.
4. Navigate to c:\zebra\driver, or to the alternate
location you specified, then double click
setup.exe. This displays the Zebra Printer Setup
screen. You are now at the same stage as if you
had inserted the Driver CD.
Uninstalling the printer driver
Go to the Zebra Printer Setup screen from the Driver
CD or from the downloaded software, see above.
1. Click Uninstall Printers and Drivers.
2. In the next window to appear, click Uninstall
Printer Drivers. Complete the process by re-
starting the computer.
Windows file missing
Recover the missing Windows file as follows:
1. Navigate to c:\windows\inf (Windows XP) or
c:\winnt\inf (Windows 2000).
2. Find the file named usbprint.in, then rename it to
Important • If the computer you are
working on has ever run a Zebra Atlantek
printer, uninstall all previous versions of the
driver before installing the new one. You can
NOT uninstall a printer driver using the
Add/Re-move Programs procedure in
Windows, or by deleting a printer icon from
the list of Printers and Faxes.
Important • Windows 2000 and Windows
XP install printer drivers in different ways.
Although the overall process is similar, the
dialog boxes are not identical. The screen
shots in this section are for Windows XP.
Caution • If the computer you are
configuring for a USB connection to the
P640i has at some time run an Eltron
C-Series printer, a Windows file
necessary for the P640i installation will
be missing.