13163L Rev. 3 5/20/2004 Z4Mplus/Z6Mplus User Guide 119
label left position adjustment, 69
label sensor positioning, 84
label top position adjustment, 69
language displayed
changing from unreadable language, 94
parameter description, 71
LCD display adjustment, 70
LCD error conditions and warnings, 88
left edge of label adjustment, 69
liability, vi
liner removal
liner take-up mode, 32
rewind/peel-off mode, 34
liner take-up mode
liner removal, 32
loading media, 30
all information, 61
bar codes, 60
fonts, 60
formats, 60
images, 60
setup, 60
load factory defaults, 100
loading ribbon, 40
lubrication, 83
MAC address, 72
manual calibration, 42
maximum label length setting, 60
black mark media, 16
non-continuous media, 16
specifications, 112
types of media, 15
media door, 2
media loading
cutter mode, 26
fanfold media, 38
liner take-up mode, 30
peel-off mode, 28
rewind/peel-off mode, 33
tear-off mode, 25
media power up action, 68
media removal
rewind mode, 36
media scratch test, 17
media sensor calibration, 63
media sensor profile, 62
media types
continuous media, 16
setting through front panel, 58
memory card
initialize through front panel, 61
installation, 48
network configuration label
printing as baseline, 45
printing through front panel, 61
network ID setting, 65
operating conditions, 10
Out of Memory message, 90
Paper Out message, 88
parallel cabling requirements, 107
parallel communications
parallel data port, 107
setting through front panel, 64
parity, 65
password level, 71
password-protected parameters, 52
PAUSE key self test, 97
PCMCIA card installation, 48
peel-off mode
backfeed sequence setting, 69
cleaning peel-off assembly, 81
liner removal, 34
loading media, 28
parallel port, 107
serial port, 103
position label sensor, 84
power cord specifications, 11
Power-On Self Test (POST), 95
power-up media action, 68
print configuration label, 43
print darkness adjustment, 57
print method selection, 59
print modes
described, 5
selection, 58
tear-off mode, 25
print network configuration label, 45
print quality problems, 91