Printer Configuration and Adjustment
Changing Printer Settings
8/22/12 P1048261-004
Set the Format Command Prefix Value
The format command prefix is a two-digit hex value used as a parameter place marker in
ZPL/ZPL II format instructions. The printer looks for this hex character to indicate the start
of a ZPL/ZPL II format instruction.
Set the format command character to match what is used in your label formats.
Important • You cannot use the same hex value for the format command prefix,
control character, and delimiter characters. The printer must see different characters
to work properly. If you are setting the value through the control panel, the printer
will skip any value that is already in use.
Accepted values: 00 to FF
Related ZPL command(s): ^CC or ~CC
SGD command used: zpl.caret
Control panel menu item: COMMAND CHAR on page 32
Printer web page:
View and Modify Printer Settings > ZPL Control
Set the Control Prefix Character Value
The printer looks for this two-digit hex character to indicate the start of a ZPL/ZPL II
control instruction.
Set the control prefix character to match what is used in your label formats.
Accepted values: 00 to FF
Related ZPL command(s): ^CT or ~CT
SGD command used: zpl.control_character
Control panel menu item: CONTROL CHAR on page 32
Printer web page:
View and Modify Printer Settings > ZPL Control
Set the Delimiter Character Value
The delimiter character is a two-digit hex value used as a parameter place marker in
ZPL/ZPL II format instructions.
Set the delimiter character to match what is used in your label formats.
Accepted values: 00 to FF
Related ZPL command(s): ^CD or ~CD
SGD command used: zpl.delimiter
Control panel menu item: DELIMITER CHAR on page 33
Printer web page:
View and Modify Printer Settings > ZPL Control
Table 10 • Language Settings (Continued)