Agilent Technologies 6834B Welding System User Manual

E - IEC Mode Command Summary
Command Syntax
:TIME <Nrf+>
[:DATA] <Nrf+>
:SMOothing <bool>
selects the Pst integration time for flicker measurements
sets various limits associated with rms voltage
fluctuation testing for IEC 1000-3-3
turns the 1.5 second smoothing filter on or off
[:DATA] <type>
:BORDer <type>
specifies the response data format ( ASCii | REAL )
sets the byte order of the floating point values returned
( NORMal | SWAPped )
:HARMonic? <NRf+>
:FLICker? <NRf+>
:PST? <NRf+>
:ALL? <NRf+>
returns an array of current harmonic magnitudes
returns rms and instantaneous flicker values
returns Pst summary values
returns both rms/flicker and Pst summary values
:PREFerence <type>
[:TYPE] <type>
sets the phase reference for current harmonic phase
measurements ( VOLTage | CURRent )
selects the window function used in the harmonic
measurements ( HANNing | KBESsel | RECTangular )
:CONFigure <mode> selects the operating mode of the ac source
( NORMal | IEC )