Chapter 3 Calibration Procedures
Error Messages
Error Messages
The following tables are abbreviated lists of error messages for the E3631A.
The errors listed are the most likely errors to be encountered during calibration
and adjustment. A more complete list of error messages and descriptions is
contained in chapter 5 of the E3631A User's Guide.
System Error Messages
Self-Test Error Messages
Error Error Message
-330 Self-test failed
-350 Too many errors
501 Isolator UART framing error
502 Isolator UART overrun error
511 RS-232 framing error
512 RS-232 overrun error
513 RS-232 parity error
514 Command allowed only with RS-232
521 Input buffer overflow
522 Output buffer overflow
550 Command not allowed in local
800 P25V and N25V coupled by track system
801 P25V and N25V coupled by trigger subsystem
Error Error Message
601 Front panel does not respond
602 RAM read/write failed
603 A/D sync stuck
604 A/D slope convergence failed
605 Cannot calibrate rundown gain
606 Rundown gain out of range
607 Rundown too noisy
608 Serial configuration readback failed
624 Unable to sense line frequency
625 I/O processor does not respond
626 I/O processor failed self-test
630 Fan test failed
631 System DAC test failed
632 P6V hardware test failed
633 P25V hardware test failed
634 N25V hardware test failed