Craftsman 350 Cordless Drill User Manual

_1_ WARNING: Do not allow famiSa_tywith tools to
make you careJess.Rememberthat a careless
fracbonof a second is sufficientto intiictserious
_k WARNING: Alwayswear safety gogglesor safety
glasseswith side shieldswhen operatingtools.
Failureto do so could resultin objects beingthrown
intoyour eyes, resultingin poasibisseriousinjury.
_1= WARNING: Do not useany attachments or acoas-
series not recommended by th_rna_u_oturer of
this tool.The use of attachments or accessories not
recommended can resultin serlouspersonalinjury.
You may usethis tool for the foUowingpurposes:
Drillinginceramics, plastics,fibergtess,and laminates
Ddllingin metals
CAUTION: Ifat any point duringthe charging
processnone of the LEDs are lit, removethe bat-
tary pack _'om _e chargerto avoiddamagingthe
product. DO NOT insertanother battery.Return the
charger and battery toyour nearestservicecenter
for service or replacement.
The battery pack for this tool has been shippedin a low
charge conditionto preventpossibleproblems.Therefore,
you shouldcharge overnightpriorto use.
NOTE: Batterieswill not reach furl oharge the first time
theyare charged. Allow several cycles (operationfollowed
byrecharging]for them to become fully charged.
Charge battery packonlyw_ththe charging assembly
Make sure powersupply is normalhouseholdvoltage,
120 volts,60 Hz, AC on_y.
Connect charger to power supply.
Place battery pack in charging stand.Align raised db
on bat_eP/pack with groovein chargingstan_. See
F/gum 2.
Pressdown on b_ttsrypack to be'sure contacts on
battery pack engage properlywith contacts in charging
The chargeindicator light (LED),located on the charg-
ing stand,wi_ I'_ghtup red and glowwhen the eharger
is properlyconnectedto powersupply."Thislight
indicates thecharger is operatingproperty.It will
remainon unblbatterypack is removed from charging
stand or charger is disconnectedf_ompower supply.
After normaJusage,3 hoursork_saof chargingtime is
required to hJftyrecharge battery pack.
NOTE; If both red and orangeLED ind_caforsglow, the
battery pack is deeplyorcompk=.te0jd(scharged, and
6 hours er longerof chargingtime }srequiredto fully
the orangeLED corr_nuesto glowafter more than 30
m_nutesof chsrg'lng,returnthe battery pack and charg-
inge.ssemb[yto your nearestSears Repair Center for
The batterypackwill become slightlywarm tothe
touch whilecharging.This is normaland does not
indicate a problem.
m Do not place chargerin an area of extreme heat or
cold. It wiltwork best at normalroom temperature.
II When batteriesbecome fully charged, unplugcharger
from powersupply and removethe battery pack.
When usingyour tool continuously, the batteries Inyour
battery pack willbecome hot. Youshouldlet a hotbattery
pack cool down for approximately 30 minutesbefore
attempting to recharge.
NOTE: This situationorgyoccurswhen continuoususeof
your ddll causes the batteriesto become hot. It does not
occur under nonT_ circumstances.Refer to =CHARGING
THE BATTERY PACI_ for normalrecharg]ngofbattedes.
Ifthe chargingaasembly doesnot chargeyour battery
pack undernormalcircumstances,returnboth the battery
pack and chargingassembly to yournearest Sears Repair
Center for electricalcheck.