Craftsman 350 Cordless Drill User Manual

Some ofthe following symbolsmay be used on thistool. Please studythem end learntheirmeaning. Properinterpreta-
tionof these symbolswfl[allow youto operatethe tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage
A Amperss Current
Hz Her_. Frequency (cycles per second)
W Watt Power
min Minutes Time
AlterrmtingCurrent Type ofcurrent
-. DirectCurrent "[ypeor a characteristicof current
no No Load Speed Rotationalspeed, at no load
[] Class I! Construction Double-insulated construction
..Jmin Per Minute Revolutions,strokes,surfacespeed, orbitseta., per mince
Wet ConditionsAlert Do not expose to rain or use indamp locations.
To reduce the risk ofInjury, usermustread and understand
Read The Operator's Manual operator'smanual before usingthis product.
Protection Alwayswear safety gogg(esorsafety glasseswith sideshields,
or a full face shieldwhen operatingthis product.
_IL Safety Alert Precautionsthat invotve safety.
_) Fal_umto keep your handsawsy from thebk-_dewittresult In
No Hands Symbol serious personal injury.
_) No Hands Failure to keep your hands away from the blade will result in
serious personal injury.
_) No Hands Symbol Failure to keep your hands away from the blade will result in
seriouspersonal injury.
No Hands Failureto keepyour hands away from the blade will resultin
(_) Hot Surface Toreduce the dsk of injuryordamage, avoid oontactwith
any hotsurface.