Craftsman 572.61095 Power Hammer User Manual

GroutRemoval Kit 53052
Thegrout removalattachment comescompletely
assembledandreadyto use.Use the1/16"bit that
comeswith the grout removal kit for tilesspaced
more than 1/16"apart. If yourtiles arespacedmore
than 1/8"apart, it isrecommendedthat you usethe
53166 (1/8") bit(sold separately).
Note:If the bit istoowide for the spacing between
your tiles,you maydamageyour tile or the grout
removal bit,
Step1: Removethehousing capfromthe tool.
Step2: Insertthe grout removal bit into your rotary
When insertingthe#53166grout
powertool, besurethaithe bitissecurewithinthe
"jaws" of the collet. Usethewrench to tighten the
colletnut to preventthe bitfrom loosening within the
collet. Do not useyour Craftsman Chuck,#53050,
withthe grout removalbits.
Step3: Screwthegrout removal attachmentonto the
rotary tool.
Step4: Adjust theattachmentand bit tothe desired
cutting depth.
TheMulti SlideDepthAdjustment hasincrement
markings of 1/8" (3,2 mm). Thesemarkingsare for
referenceonly inidentifying the depthof your desired
cut. The multiple channelsof thedepthadjustment let
you choosethe orientation of theattachmentto the
tool. Besureto securelytighten thescrewwithin one
ofthe multiple channelpositions.
Toset cuttingdepth:
Cleaning Grout:
Donot removegrout morethan1/8" below theface
surfaceof thetile. Adjust the Multi SlideDepth
Adjustrnentandbit so that no morethan 1/8" of the
bitextends beyondthebaseof theattachment.
Alter removing 1'8"of grout, regrout to tile level.Seal
thenew grout.
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Removing GrouttoReplace ABroken Tile:
Remove all oftile grout surrounding thebrokentile.
Adjust the Multi Slide DepthAdjustment so that no
more thant/8" of the bit extendsbeyondthebase of
the attachment.Remove grout at adepth nomore
than 1/8"ata time. You may needto adjust the Multi
SlideDepthAdjustment by1/8" increments(reference
the 1/8"incremental white markingson the Multi Slide
DepthAdjustment) andmakeseveralpasses until all
thegrout is removed.
When removing grout deeperinto thegrout line, you
may strike hidden objects likescrew heads,mortar,
tile cement or nailsthat maycausetile bitto bind.
overheat orbreak. Reducethetool speedandwork
tllrough itslowly, making severalpasses.Incaseof
screws ornails, removethegrout around theareaas
the bitwill notcut through them.