Craftsman 572.61095 Power Hammer User Manual

_ lwayspull thetooltowardyou!
Donetpushit] Pushingthebit
maycauseittobreak. Holdthetoolin agolfgrip
withthetool positioned belowtheattachmentandthe
bitpointing upwards.
Onyour variablespeedtool, recommendedtool speed
is15.000-20,000 RPM's orspeedsetting 6to avoid
damageto the bit.Onyour two speedtool,
recommendedtoolspeed is "Low"to avoid damageto
thebit. Donot force thebit or putpressure onthe
backof thetool to removethegrout. Letthespeedof
therotating bit dothe work.
Weareyeprotection anddust mask.Inspectbit for
damage.When bitis installed, alwaysrun it at no-load
speed ofthetool for oneminute, asa damagedbit
witl breakapart. Do not stand infront of or inline
with bit.
:Alwaysuse thetool with thedepth guide positioned
flatagainstthe materialbeingcut.
Theguide securelypositionedon thematerial
improvesstability andcontrol of yourtool.
Thedirection of feedwith the bit into the grout is
important. Always drag orpull the bit throughthe
grout line.The grout bit is not intendedfor "plowing"
through the grout andfeeding thetool in thewrong
directionwill causethe bitto climb out of thework
possibly damagingthe bitand!or causing lossof
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