- Lock the beam compasses with the rotating knob
Practical hint: To prevent the tip of the
compasses from making a hole in the workpiece,
fi x a thin board at the centre point by means of
double-sided adhesive tape.
Copy cutting
A copying ring or the copying device is used
to exactly reproduce existing workpieces (both
available as accessories).
a) Copying ring
- Fasten the copying rings (12.2) to the platen
instead of the cover ring (12.1) from below.
When choosing the size of the copying
ring (12.2) make sure that the cutter used (12.3)
fi ts through the ring’s opening.
The distance Y between the workpiece and
template is calculated by:
Y = 1/2 (Ø copying ring - Ø cutter) / 2
The copying ring can be centred exactly with the
centring cone ZF-OF (Order No. 486035)
b) Copying device
13.3 13.1
The angle arm WA-OF (13.3) and copier scanning
set KT-OF, consisting of roller holder (13.2) and
three copying rollers (13.1), are required for the
copying device.
- Screw the angle arm at the desired height in the
platen’s threaded bore (13.7) with the rotating
knob (13.6).
- Fit a copying roller in the roller holder and bolt
this to the angle arm with the rotating knob
(13.4). Make sure that the copying roller and
cutter have the same diameter!
- Turn the adjusting wheel (13.5) to adjust the
distance between the copying roller and cutter
Edge band trimming
14.4 14.5 14.6
Protruding edge bands can be fl ush trimmed with
the angle arm WA-OF (14.4) in connection with
the guide plate UP-OF (14.5) (accessories) .
- Screw the angle arm into the platen’s threaded
bore (14.1) with the rotating knob (14.2).
- Bolt the guide plate to the angle arm with the
rotating knob (14.3).
- Adjust the milling depth so that this is equal to
the thickness of the edge band + 2 mm.
- Move the guide plate (14.5) as close as possible
to the cutter by loosening the rotating knob
- Adjust the depth of the guide plate with the
adjusting wheel (14.8) so that during trimming
a few decimillimetres of the edge band are left
protruding which can then be sanded down by
The chip guard SF-OF (14.6) (accessory) improves
dust extraction when trimming edge bands. It is
fastened to the side of the platen with the rotating
knob (14.7) and cover the cutter from above
during work.
Accessories, tools
For safety reasons, only use original
Festool accessories and tools!