G0445/G0582/G9962Z/9962ZX Wide Belt Sander
Table Movement
Table height can be adjusted manually or with the
digital key pad and motor (see
Figure 15).
Manual Table Movement: Turn the handwheel
located under the front of the infeed table for
manual table positioning.
Motorized Table Movement: Press the TABLE
UP or TABLE DOWN key once for motorized
table positioning in 0.005" (0.1mm) increments.
Numerical Key Pad
: Push the keys to enter the
sanding depth needed.
Metric or Standard K
ey: Press and hold the
SET button for 3 seconds to calibrate display at
the current board thickness; or press and hold
key for 10 seconds to toggle the display between
metric and standard measurement.
Table Start
Key: Push to move table to a preset
sanding depth.
Table Stop
Key: Push to stop the table move-
ment immediately.
Digital Displa
y: Shows final table sanding
The dial attached to the side of the feed belt
gear box (
Figure 16) adjusts the feed rate of the
Note: Never adjust the feed rate dial unless the
conveyor belt is running, otherwise you can dam
age the control.
Changing Feed Ra
te: Turn the dial clockwise to
decrease the feed rate and counterclockwise to
increase it.
Determining Ideal Feed Ra
tes: Softwoods typi-
cally require a faster feed rate than hardwoods;
however, there is no definitive rule to follow when
determining the best feed rate. As a general rule,
always start with the slowest feed rate and work
your way up. We always recommend testing the
feed rate using scrap wood similar to your work-
piece. Be sure to monitor the amperage meter
when adjusting the feed rate. Decrease the feed
rate if the load amperage level shown on the load
meter is enters the yellow zone or sanding RPM
begins to slow.
Adjusting Feed Rate
Figure 16. Feed rate dial.
Figure 15. Keys for adjusting the table height.
The thickness gauge is pre-calibrated from
the factory; however, correct calibration
should be verified
Table Down
Metric or
Standard Key
Digital Display
Key Pad
Rate Dial