G0472/G0473/G0476 Sandblasters
Operation Safety
If you have never used this type of machine
or equipment before, WE STRONGLY REC
OMMEND that you read books, trade maga
zines, or get formal training before begin
ning any projects. Regardless of the con
tent in this section, Grizzly Industrial will
not be held liable for accidents caused by
lack of training.
Sandblasting presents a real hazard of silicosis and other lung contamination injuries! These
Injuries are permanent and can get worse over time. If you use sandblasting equipment without
the proper protection, your lungs and eyes may become irreversibly contaminated. DO NOT
use this sandblaster unless you know how to use it and protect yourself correctly. For types of
protective equipment and acceptable respirator types, contact your local OSHA or NIOSH office.
4. Carefully, without causing a hazardous dust
cloud, pour or spade-in the abrasive into the
sandblaster. DO NOT over-fill or sandblasting
will be sluggish and very cloudy inside of the
–For Model G0472: Use 40 lbs of abrasive.
For Model G0473: Use 10 lbs of abrasive.
For Model G0476: Use 10 lbs of abrasive.
5. Insert the workpiece, and close and lock the
loading door.
6. Adjust the air supply regulator to the correct
air pressure.
–For Model G0472: Use 60-116 PSI at 8-25
For Model G0473: Use 60-100 PSI at 5-14
For Model G0476: Use 60-100 PSI at 5-14
7. Turn ON your dust collection/vacuum system
and air compresssor insert your hands in the
gloves, and begin sand blasting in a slow
circular motion.
Note: A good starting point for tip distance is
two inches away from the workpiece. Start out
with a low air pressure setting to avoid excess
peening and abrasive wear.
Experiment with different pressures,
abrasives, tips and jets to gain practical
Note: Keep the sandblasting abrasives
moisture-free, otherwise; the blast gun tip will
frequently clog.
Basic Operation
The Model G0472/G0473/G0476 Sandblasters
are equipped with an industrial-duty blast gun
with ceramic tip, a siphon hose, a built-in light,
large viewing window, and sealed rubber gloves.
The hopper recycles and stores the sandblast
ing media for reuse or easy removal. Safely
blast away paint and rust without making a mess
around your shop.
To use the sandblaster:
1. Wear safety glasses and respirator at all
times when running and maintaining your
2. Plug in the AC/DC transformer and turn ON
the light.
3. Install the correct nozzle and air jet into the
gun for the abrasive type you will use.
Refer to
Page 12 for options.