31. Gjci]Z']dhZdkZgi]Z]dhZhjeedgi!Vh
h]dlc^cFigure 35#
Optional: Run ground wires through the dust
hoses and attach the wires to the machine to
protect against static electricity.
Figure 35.9jhi]dhZhjeedgi^cjhZ#
DO NOT operate the Model G0674 without an
adequate dust collection system. This saw
creates substantial amounts of wood dust
while operating. Failure to use a dust collec-
tion system can result in short and long-term
respiratory illness.
Required CFM at 4" Dust Port: 400 CFM
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with
the rating of the dust collector. To determine the
CFM at the dust port, you must consider these
variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,
(2) hose type and length between the dust col-
lector and the machine, (3) number of branches
or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines
throughout the system. Explaining how to calcu-
late these variables is beyond the scope of this
manual. Consult an expert or purchase a good
dust collection "how-to" book.
32. HZXjgZ i]Z '
¿' VcY V ) Yjhi ]dhZ id i]Z
Figure 36.)YjhiedgiadXVi^dc#
30. 6iiVX]i]Z^cXajYZY'Yjhi]dhZidi]Z]dhZ
Figure 34#
Figure 34.'Yjhi]dhZXdccZXiZY#