Grizzly G8994z Saw User Manual

G8994Z Variable Speed Jig Saw
1. Make certain the tool is unplugged
while installing the blade.
2. Make sure the orbit selector switch
is in Position III. See Figure 2.
Fig 2. Orbiter selection in Position III.
Fig 3
Inserting blade into plunger.
Fig 4. Tightening blade locking screw.
Take the blade and turn it so the
teeth are facing the side of the
footplate. Insert the mount end
into the plunger as shown in
Figure 3
Twist the blade 90˚ so
the teeth are pointing forward,
then pull it down slightly. Make
certain the blade is positioned in
the groove of the roller which
backs up the blade.
Insert the screwdriver included
with this jig saw into the hole at the
front of the handle as shown in
Figure 4
Tighten the screw while
making sure the blade stays in the
roller groove.
To remove the blade, reverse the
process described above.
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