
Page 13For technical questions, please call 1‑800‑444‑3353.SKU 68024
Loading the Tool
Wear ANSI‑approved safety
goggles with side shields. Other
people in the work area must also
wear ANSI-approved impact safety
goggles with side shields.
Release the trigger.
Detach the air supply.
• Attempt to re the Tool into a
piece of scrap wood to ensure
that it is disconnected and is
incapable of ring any fasteners.
1. To open the Magazine Cover (85), pull
up on the Latch (81) and pull back the
Moveable Cover Plate (80).
2. Once the Cover Plate is lifted, lift up the
Magazine Cover.
3. Check the Nail Support (92) inside the
Magazine. Twist the Support and pull
it up (or down) to adjust to use various
lengths of nails from 3/4” to 1-3/4”:
A. 3/4” Long Nails
(Use top setting marked on inside of
B. Between 3/4” and 1‑3/4” Long Nails
(Use middle setting marked on inside
of Magazine).
C. 1‑3/4” Long Nails
(Use bottom setting marked on inside
of Magazine).
3. Place a coil of nails around the Nail
Support in the Magazine.
4. Uncoil enough nails to reach the Drive
Guide (29). Place the second nail on the
coil between the tabs of the Drive Guide,
making sure the nail head ts in the slot
in the top end of the Drive Guide.
5. Swing the Magazine Cover closed.
Then, close the Cover Plate, making
sure the Latch snaps shut. If the Latch
does not engage, the nail head is not in
the slot in the upper portion of the Feed
Drive Guide.
Roong Gauge Adjustment
1. The Roong Gauge (82) controls roof
shingle spacing. To adjust the Roong
Gauge to work with a particular width of
shingles, use the accessory Hex Wrench
to loosen the Hex Bolt (83) on the
Roong Gauge.
2. Slide the Bracket forward or backward to
the desired shingle spacing.
3. Then, retighten the Hex Bolt.
General Operating Instructions
1. Test the Tool, as directed on page 10 or
11, before each use.
2. If an automatic oiler is not used, add
a few drops of Pneumatic Tool Oil to
the airline connection before use. Add
a few drops more after each hour of
continual use.
3. Attach the air hose to the Nailer. Start
your compressor and check the pressure
making sure it is not set to go over the
maximum 120 PSI.
4. To re, place the nose of the Nailer
on the workpiece. The Nailer should
not re if the nose is not depressed.
Once depressed, gently and briey
squeeze the Trigger once. Do not re
repeatedly. Nails could bounce off of
one another, damaging the workpiece or