Hitachi H 45MR Power Hammer User Manual

1. After placing the tip of the tool on concrete surface, switch
The switch can be turned ON if the trigger is pulled and OFF
when it is released.
If the stopper is pressed while the trigger for the switch is
pulled, even if your finger is released from the trigger, the
switch remains ON - convenient for continuous operation.
To turn the switch OFF, pull the trigger again, and then the
stopper comes off.
2. By utilizing the empty weight of the machine and by firmly
holding the hammer by both hands, you can effectively
control the subsequent recoil motion.
Proceed at a moderate work-rate, the use of too much
pushing force will impair efficiency.
3. Even when the switch is on, the motor is running and the tool head is pressed to the
demolition surface, the hammer sometimes does not start operating. In these instances,
turn the switch off, press the tool head against the demolition surface again, and turn
the switch on and off. This should start the hammer operating. Repeat this procedure
for several minutes, and the hammer will heat, after which it will operate when switched
CAUTION: After long time of use, the cylinder case becomes hot.
Therefore, be careful not to burn your hands.
Fig. 9