1. Disconnect the Sidestream nebulizer from the coiled duratube by
gently twisting the tubing.
2. Rinse out the Sidestream nebulizer and refill with a little clean water.
3. Reconnect the coiled duratube to the Sidestream nebulizer and run the
Freeway Freedom again for a few seconds in order to flush out any of the
medication that has become trapped in the nebulizer jets.
4. Turn OFF (O) the Freeway Freedom and disconnect the Sidestream
nebulizer from the coiled duratube by gently twisting the tubing.
5. Run your Freeway Freedom for approximately 15 seconds without
the Sidestream nebulizer connected to dry out any condensation in
the coiled duratube.
When cleaning the Sidestream nebulizer (medication
chamber), take great care not to damage the jet holes.
DO NOT use a cleaning brush, abrasive sponge or pad as
this damages the center baffle and seriously affects the
performance of the Sidestream nebulizer.
NEVER put paper clips, needles or any other objects into
the jet holes.
NEVER put the coiled duratube in any liquid.
6. Disassemble the Sidestream nebulizer into three (3) pieces: the
base, the center baffle and the top as shown in FIGURE 3. Wash
Sidestream nebulizer and mask or mouthpiece in warm soapy
water, rinse thoroughly and air dry.
NOTE: Electrical items and any other dry components may be stored in the
detachable accessory bag.
7. When all parts are thoroughly dry, store them in the storage
compartment on the top of the Freeway Freedom ONLY.
NEVER store your nebulizer and medication in any other
area except the storage section of the carrying case.
Liquid medication may seriously damage the compressor.