Gas Pipe Capacity Table
Explosion Hazard
• Use a new CSA approved gas supply line.
• Install a shut-off valve.
• Do not connect a natural gas water heater to an L.P. gas
• Do not connect an L.P. gas water heater to a natural gas
• Failure to follow these instructions can result in death,
explosion, or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Explosion Hazard
• Gas leaks can not always be detected by smell.
• Gas suppliers recommend that you use a gas
detector approved by UL or CSA.
• For more information, contact your gas supplier.
• If a gas leak is detected, follow the "What to do if you
smell gas" instructions on the cover of this manual.
Table 1
atuml Gas Pipe Capacity Table (Cue FtJHr.)
Capacity of gas pipe of d_fferentdiametersand lengths _ncu, & _r hr,.with pr_sure drop of 0.3 in,,and s_cJf_c grayly
of 0,60 (natural gas}
Nominal iron Pipe Length _ Pipe, Feet
S_....!ze,in_.......t__...0...................N0................30......................_ ........................50.......................60..................7_...0............8__....0...................... ........17___S............2__0.0..............
1/2 132 92 73 63 56 50 46 43 40 38 _ 31 26 26
3/4 278 1_ 152 i 30 i 15 i05 96 _ 84, 79 72 64 59 55
1 520 :350 285 245 2!5 195 180 '170 160 150 130 12:0 110 100
1-1/4 t050 730 590 _0 440 4_ 370 3_ 320 _5 275 2:50 225 210
1-1/2 1600 11C(_ 890 760 670 610 560 5_ 490 460 ,410 _0 350 32:0
AA_ the _ngth of pipe has _en de_ermin_ _leG the pipe size whi,_ w_ £rovide the minimum cubic feet _r _ur
requir_ for the gas input ra_ln_of _e water heart, By formula:
Mi_. Cu. Ft, Per Hr, Requi,_d=
Heating Val_e of Gas (BTU/FT _}
The gas input d the water heater is maAed on the wa[e{ heater da_ap_ate,The heating vatueef _hegas (BTU_FT_)
may_ determin_ by censu_tin@the _cal #at_ra! gas ut_ityo
Table 2
LP Gas Capacity Table
Maximum _paci_ of p,i_ in _usa_s of BTU per hear of _diiuted liquefied petroleum gases (at 11 i_hes water
column pressure.) Ba_ on a _ess_re drop of 0,,5inch w_er column,
No_inel iron Pipe Length of Pi_, Feet
........20 ..............3_ ........._ ............50 .............60 ...............70 ............8_ ..........._8 .........._ ...........125 ........._50 ......
1/2 275 189 i 52 129 114 t 03 96 8,9 83 78 69 63
3/4 576 393 315 267 237 2:17 196 185 173 162 146 132:
1 107i 732 590 5C_ 448 409 378 346 322: 307 275 252:
1-1/4 2205 1496 1212 !039 913 8_ 77! 724 677 630 567 511
Fxampie: input BTU _quirement of the water heater 100,000 BTUH.
To_l pipe _ength, 80 feet = 3/4" iPS required
Addit_nal tames are available in the _atest edition of _e "Na_ona! Fue_Gas Code", ANS_ Z22& !,