Connect the work cables to the ‘To Work’ stud on the
front of the AC-1500. Connect the electrode cables to
the ‘Min,’ ‘Med’ or ‘Max’ studs for the output desired.
Actual current ranges for each stud are indicated on the
nameplate above each stud. Recommended cable sizes
are listed below. Both the ‘To Work’ and ‘Max’ studs
have two terminals to simplify connection of recommend-
ed cables in parallel. Tighten the nuts with a wrench.
Select cables required for combined work and electrode
cable lengths up to 150’ from the following table:
4(*1*)),3 !)$1..$+0%,.,--$.$)#(+& !)$
Cables in accessory kit recommended below have termi-
nals as required to comply with applicable U.L. stan-
dards for safety.
150’ combined length electrode and work cables.
1000 volt-amperes of 115 volt AC power are available
from #31 and #32 on the AC-1500 terminal strip.
Duty CyCle
The AC-1500 is rated for 100% duty cycle at 1500 amps
and 44 volts.
5")$ +$ 3, ,1. (2$
100% 650 1000 1200 1500