With the Millennium 4,you can program the POWER key
to turn all of your equipment on and off with the press of
one button in the Cable mode.In other modes,individual
power control is retained,so you can still power on or off
your TV,VCR,or audio component independently.
1. On the Millennium 4,press CBL once. Press
and hold SETUP until the LED blinks twice,
then release SETUP.
2. Enter 9 - 9 - 5.The LED will blink twice.
3. Press POWER once.
4. Enter the following sequence*:
a. Press CBL once, then POWER once.
b. Press TV once, then POWER once.
c. Press VCR once, then POWER once.
d.Press AUDIO once, then POWER once.
e. Finally, press CBL once.
Press and hold SETUP until the LED blinks
twice, then release SETUP.
6. Now, when you press CBL once and then press
POWER once,the Millennium 4 will direct
power to your cable converter,TV,VCR,and
audio component and leave the remote control
in the Cable mode.
* NOTE: If you do not want all of your equipment to power up
all of the time, you can shorten step 4 to include only those
devices you want to turn on or off. For example, to just power
up your TV and Cable Converter,enter the following sequence
for step 4:
a. Press CABLE once, then POWER once.
b. Press TV once, then POWER once.
c. Finally, press CABLE once.
Now when you press CABLE once and then press POWER once,
the Millennium 4 will only direct power to your Cable convert-
er and TV,and still leave the remote control in the Cable mode.
Millennium 4 Mnl M4094 2/29/00 6:21 PM Page 28