Cleaning and Low-Level Disinfection
The reusable sensors should be cleaned and disinfected, but never
sterilized. Follow the procedure outlined below.
• Use only validated cleaning agents and disinfectants listed below; do
not use any others. Failure to do so may damage the sensor or its con-
necting wires and shorten product lifetime or cause safety hazards.
• Select disinfectants carefully as some have very similar names but
completely different compositions.
• Do not immerse the sensor connector in any of the cleaning solutions,
disinfectant, or other liquid (only the sensor and cable housing may be
immersed, not
the connector).
• Do not soak sensors in disinfectants longer than specified by the dis-
infectant manufacturer.
• Do not sterilize the sensors.
Validated Cleaning Agents
Validated Disinfectants
- Mild Detergent - Salt Solution (1%)
28 Cidex
Formula 7 Kohrsolin
Plus 30 Cidex
OPA Mucapur
-CD (1%)
Liquid Cidex
Isopropanol (70%) or
Isopropanol Wipe (70%)
Liquid Omnicide
Step Cleaning and Low-Level Disinfection
1 Clean sensor following instructions supplied with cleaning agent.
2 Disinfect sensor following instructions supplied with disinfectant.
3 Rinse sensor in water, wiping it dry with a clean cloth, leaving to dry com-
pletely. If you notice any deterioration or damage to sensor or cable, dis-
pose the sensor immediately.