Photo Control/Norman ML600 Monolight Work Light User Manual

1. AC Power Inlet
Connects to the AC power cable. The AC input is 115 volts, 60 Hz. The unit is voltage
stabilized to provide 1/20-stop full power repeatability with AC line voltage fluctuations of 20
volts (105-125 volts).
2. Power Switch
Switches the AC power on/off. A memory circuit retains the output settings when the unit is
switched back on or when the AC power is interrupted.
3. Modeling Lamp
Depress the pushbutton switch to toggle between the three modeling lamp modes:
FULL - The modeling lamp is at full brightness regardless of the flash power setting.
RATIO - The modeling lamp will automatically ratio (track) with the flash power
OFF - The modeling lamp is off (indicated by both the Full and Ratio LED’s off).
4. TEST Button
The unit can be flashed by depressing the TEST button. When changing power levels, power
can be discharged through the flashtube instantly with this button instead of waiting for the
power to be bled through the discharge resistor of the internal circuitry.
5. SYNC Outlet
The camera connects to this outlet via the R4155 Sync Extension Cord (included). The socket
(female) end of the Sync Extension Cord connects to the camera sync cord (not included).
Most 35mm and 120mm cameras utilize a standard “PC” sync cord which is available through
your photo supply store.
Proper polarity is important with cameras that utilize grounded shutter switch circuits
(cameras that utilize PC cords). If the unit does not flash on initial set-up the polarity may be
reversed. To achieve the correct polarity – Reverse the camera sync cord at the point where it
joins the Sync Extension Cord. This establishes a common ground between the camera body
and the flash unit. If the polarity is incorrect the unit could self-flash or flash intermittently.
6. Photo Eye (Slave)
Permits remote triggering from other flash units. The Photo Eye is automatically disabled
when a ¼” sync plug is inserted in the SYNC outlet.
7. RESET 10 Amp Circuit Breaker
Automatically protects the flash circuit against excessive overloads. When activated, it will
pop out about ¼” and the unit will become inoperative. To reset, wait at least 30 seconds and
depress the RESET button. If the circuit breaker continues to activate, consult the factory or
your authorized Norman service center.
8. Flash Power +/- Pushbutton Switches and LED Display
Controls the unit output in 1/10-stop increments over a 5-stop range plus “full” (6-stops total).
Tap the + or – pushbutton switch for each 1/10-stop change. Hold the pushbutton switch
down and the change accelerates for convenience. Once the approximate power level is
obtained, tap the pushbutton switches until the desired setting is obtained.
The LED can display the output in two modes: f-stop reduction or watt-seconds power level.
Press both the + and – pushbuttons at the same time for at least 2 seconds to change display
Error conditions are displayed on the LED, as outlined on page 7.
9. Ready Light
The unit is fully charged when the Ready Light is on. At minimum power (18.75 w-s) the
recharge time is approx. 0.5 seconds, and at maximum power (600 w-s) the recharge time is
approx. 2 seconds. The unit may be flashed before it reaches full charge.
10. Flash Verification
Flash verification will visually indicate when the unit has flashed. The modeling lamp will
cycle on and off, then return to its previous state.
This function can be enabled / disabled by toggling the Flash Verification pushbutton switch.
11. Computer Control Modular Jack