Q-Logic ISR6200 Router User Manual

7–Removal and Replacement
iSR6200 Chassis Blades
ISR651101-00 G 7-5
Removing the Failed Blade
To remove a failed blade from an iSR6200 chassis with a single blade:
1. Prior to replacing the iSR6200 router blade, log out all iSCSI initiators from
the iSR6200 blade you are replacing.
2. Save the blade’s FRU using either SANsurfer Router Manager or the CLI
fru save command. The following example shows how to perform this
using CLI commands.
iSR6200 login: guest
Password: ****** (default is password)
* *
* iSR6200 *
* *
iSR6200 #>
blade 1
iSR6200 <1> #> admin start
Password : ******
iSR6200 <1> (admin) #> fru save
FRU save completed. Configuration File is iSR6200_FRU.bin
Please use FTP to extract the file out from the System.
3. Use an FTP client to get the FRU file from the iSR6200 blade. For both the
user name and password, enter ftp. Remember to issue the bin
command before you issue the get command. For example:
ftp <
your router IP>
Connected to <your router IP>
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
User (<your router IP>:(none)):
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.