7–Removal and Replacement
Power and Cooling Modules
7-10 ISR651101-00 G
FRU restore completed.
Please reboot the system for configuration to take affect.
iSR6200 <1> (admin) #>
Are you sure you want to reboot the System (y/n): y
System will now be rebooted...
iSR6200 #>
Connection to host lost.
The replacement blade should now be operational.
Power and Cooling Modules
Each iSR6200 chassis blade has a PCM, located on the back side of the chassis.
Each PCM consists of one power supply, three fans, and one external status LED.
The PCM’s external status LED shows its status:
Green = GOOD status, indicating that the PCM is running as expected.
Amber = FAULT status, indicating that the PCM has failed.
You can remove and replace a failed PCM as described in the following sections:
Removing the Failed PCM
“Installing the Replacement PCM” on page 7-12
Removing the Failed PCM
To remove a failed PCM from the iSR6200 chassis:
1. Locate the failed PCM unit on the back side of the iSR6200 chassis. A failed
PCM unit shows an amber colored status LED.
Figure 7-9 shows the back side of two PCMs installed in a chassis
configured with two iSR6200 chassis blades. The PCM on the left side
shows its fault indicator in amber, which indicates a FAULT status. The PCM
on the right side shows its fault indicator in green, which indicates a GOOD