Firing Your Shotgun (cont’d)
1. Make sure the shotgun is pointed in a safe direction with the trigger block safety engaged.
Picture 27).
2. Make sure you are wearing eye and ear protection.
3. Keep your fingers away from the trigger(s).
4. Cock hammers per Cocking Instructions.
5. Push the trigger block safety to the “off” or “fire” position with the red dot showing. (See
Picture 28).
6. With the butt stock held firmly again your shoulder and the barrels pointed towards your intended target,
place your trigger finger on the trigger. The shotgun will fire when you pull or squeeze the trigger with
the requisite force. (See
Picture 29).
7. When you are using a double-trigger, move your finger to the other trigger and pull it.
The second round will now fire.
Once you have fired the shotgun, immediately push the trigger block safety to the “on” or “safe” position. Then follow the unloading
instructions above while keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
Never carry the shotgun with the hammers cocked. If you have cocked the hammer(s) but then not fired the gun, you must uncock the hammers.
Because their is now a live round(s) in the chamber(s), EXTREME CAUTION must be employed when uncocking the hammer. Make sure the
shotgun is pointed in a safe dir
ection thr
oughout the uncocking pr
Picture 27
Picture 28
Picture 29