Repair Parts
For Repair Parts, Call 1-800-4-RIDGID
Please provide following information:
-Model number
-Serial number (if any)
-Part description and number as shown in parts list
Ref. Catolog Part
No. Number Number Descriptons Qty
1 17948 WL010500AV Head 1
2— ● Head bolts 4
3— ▲
Exhaust valve 1
4— ▲ Valve plate 1
5 17958 ▲, XA012100AV
Cylinder gasket 1
6 17963 N/A
Motor assembly (includes eccentric/
bearing assembly) To order see pump/
motor assembly (part #1) on p. 19 1
7 — (Included with M5 x .8 x 20 HH cap screw 1
piston assembly,
Ref. No. 11)
8— ■ M5 x .8 x 12 HHCS (L.H.) screw 1
9— ■ Washer 1
10 — ■ Fan 1
11 17968 WL210300SJ
Piston assembly (includes cap screw) 1
12 — ▲
Intake valve 1
13 17973 ▲, XA010800AV
Head gasket (metal gasket) 1
14 17978 ▲, XA012001AV
Discharge valve gasket 1
15 MC507017AV Start Capacitor (280-520 µF/250 VAC) 1
16 MC506908AV Run Capacitor (40 µF/450 VAC) 1
● 17953 WL602801AJ Head bolt kit (set of 4) 1
▲ 17983 WL201405SJ Valve plate kit (Includes exhaust valve, 1
valve plate, cylinder gasket, intake valve,
head gasket, and discharge valve gasket)
■ 17988 WL209802SJ Fan kit (includes screw, washer and fan) 1
Considered wear components
N/A = Standard Hardware Item