
When adding a new data query the following options are available.
Query Name – Identifies the query and will be displayed in the ERP Data view inside the
SalesLogix Client.
Query Type – The data query must be a Mapped or Ad Hoc data query
Mapped data queries require the data to be mapped to a physical table in SalesLogix.
Ad Hoc data queries collect and store the information in an XML format in SalesLogix.
Data Table – This option is only available for mapped queries, and defines the table the data will
mapped to.
Enable Record Parsing – The option is only available for mapped queries, and defines that
records created
In the mapped table will be removed when they are removed from the ERP System.
Query Text – Used to define the text of the query to execute.
Parent Table – Defines the parent table the data is related to. The items available depend upon
the type of
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