
Features and Comparison to Sage DynaLink
NEW ERP Contract
Pulls posting amounts, notes and tickets over from MAS
o Can select a different charge code from MAS 500
o Posting in SLX means that it is pending in MAS until completed in MAS
Improved User Experience
On Demand, per record linking and synchronization of records
Phoenix introduces more seamless integration functionality e.g.
When a user selects a product to add to an opportunity in SLX the unit price for the
quantity selected is calculated in real time by the ERP system and seamlessly populated
into SLX. The user sees the back office price for that product without needing to engage
a ERP sync.
ERP Data presented in a more user friendly drill-able data grid in Sage SalesLogix
ERP has a simple button that pushes a CRM account into ERP in one easy step - not
dependent upon a sales order
Can be done by class values – pre-set templates for:
o Contact
o Address
o Sales Order
o Customer
o Invoice
No typing in value, can choose from drop-down menu
Can assign specific users for the templates
Sites (Warehouse)
Sites returned to Sage SalesLogix to manage stock quantities for individual products at
individual warehouses
Improved Data Synchronization performance
With the ERP integration, now can do batching and users can force a sync (on demand).
Can also be scheduled as well as an immediate refresh
DynaLink synchronized only in batch mode, and a CRM user couldn’t force (push) out a
Architecture Improvements
No longer need a separate server
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