getting to know your drill press
HEAD LOCK HANDLE ... locks the head to the column.
ALWAYS have it locked in place while operating the drill
HEAD SUPPORT COLLAR . .. prevents the head from
dropping when the head lock handle is loosened.
ALWAYS have the collar LOCKED into position against
the UNDERSIDE of the head .....
TABLELOCK HANDLE ,, ; locks the table to the column.
ALWAYS have it locked in place while operating the drill
ALWAYS hold the table while unlocking it.
TABLE SUPPORT COLLAR ... Prevents the table from
accidently dropping all the way to the bottom when the
table lock handle is loosened.
ALWAYS have the collar LOCKED into position
approximately 34 in. from the floor for average drilling
CHUCK KEY . .. is used to tighten or loosen the chuck. It
has a spring loaded EJECTOR pin to "pop" it out of the
chuck when you let go of it. When not in use, ALWAYS
store the key in the hole in the table.
CHUCK LOCKS NG COLLAR .., draws the chuck onto
the spindle nose.
It prevents the chuck from coming loose during operation.
ALWAYS }lave the collar tightened.
To drill a BLIND hole (not all the way through) to a given
depth, can be done two ways.
I. Mark tile depth of the hole on the side of the
2. With the switch OFF bring the drill down until the TIP
or lips are even with the MARK . .. LOCK the QUILL.
3. Move the POINTER all the way down and tighten the
thumb screw.
Tighten the STOP NUT against the pointer.
Unlock the quill. \..., MARK
Feed thedrillintotheworkpiece until it is stopped by \'_.__J
the pointer.
!. With the switch OFF, bring the drill down until the TiP
touches the TOP of the WORKPIECE ... lock the
2. Set the POINTER to the desired DEPTH .o. lock it
and TIGHTEN the STOP NUT against it. For example
... if you want to drill a hole one inch deep ... set
the pointer at the one inch mark in the scale.