Woodstock W1796 Paint Sprayer User Manual

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2. How long have you been a woodworker/metalworker?
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_____0-2 _____ 3-5 ____6-9 _____ 10+
4. Do you think your machine represents a good value? _____ Yes ____ No
5. Would you recommend Shop Fox products to a friend? _____ Yes ____ No
6. What is your age group?
_____20-29 ____ 30-39 ____ 40-49
_____50-59 ____ 60-69 ____ 70+
7. What is your annual household income?
_____$20,000-$29,000 ____ $30,000-$39,000 ____ $40,000-$49,000
_____$50,000-$59,000 ____ $60,000-$69,000 ____ $70,000+
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