NOTE:NOTE: This check may not be accurate for every make, manufacturer and model of vehicle. There is
wide variation in user-controlled electrical loads, alternator output, and wiring. Other factors include
battery condition, temperature, and engine idle speed. it is recommended to check your alternator when
it is known to be operating properly to verify that this check is valid for your particular vehicle. Check
only 12V systems. Checking 24 or 36V systems will damage the charger.
The ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE CHECK measures a defined range of voltage that is available from the
fully charged battery. The user must allow the engine to warm to normal operating temperature and
achieve a normal idle speed. As many appliances as possible are turned off for the first part of the check
to allow the battery to reach it*s highest voltage level.
The ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE CHECK is only activated after 10 to 30 minutes of engine idle. if the
ALTERNATOR GOOD LED lights, then the ON/OFF button is pressed to stop the check. Alternator
Check is then repeated after many appliances are turned on to check the alternator output under a
greater load, if the first (unloaded) and second (loaded) checks indicate the alternator is good, then the
entire procedure should be repeated again, if after all appliances are turned on (except for air
conditioning and defroster), and the check shows Alternator Good LED lights, it is likely that the
alternator is good.
NOTE:NOTE: Do not turn on air conditioning, or the defroster system to load the alternator. These appliances
may start operating in the middle of a measurement cycle and give an invalid results.
if the first check indicates the alternator is good, and the second or third repeat of the check indicates
the alternator is bad, there probably is some problem in the system. Problems can range from loose fan
belts to a diode going bad in the alternator. To begin the check press Alternator and to stop the check
press ON/OFF. Note that the FAULT light will light when the Alternator is bad; a good Alternator will
light the Alternator Good LED.
NOTE:NOTE: Do not charge the battery while waiting for the engine to warm. This will invalidate any
alternator check. The Digital Display should show the circulating pattern while the engine is warming.
With only minimal maintenance, this Vector 2/6/12A Smart Battery Charger will deliver years of
dependable service. Follow these simple steps to maintain the charger in optimum condition:
! After each use, clean the battery charger clamps - be sure to remove any battery fluid that will cause
corrosion of the copper clamps.
! Clean the outside case of the charger with a soft cloth and, if necessary, mild soap solution.
! Do not allow liquid to enter the charger. Do not operate when charger is wet.
! Keep the charger cords loosely coiled during storage to prevent damage to the cords. Do not use
the charger if cords or clamps have been damaged in any way - call Vector Technical Support
Department toll-free at (866) 584-5504 for details on replacing cords and clamps.