<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] l2tp-group 1
[Sysname-l2tp1] tunnel name itsme
tunnel password
Syntax tunnel password { simple | cipher } password
undo tunnel password
View L2TP group view
Parameter simple: Displays the password in plain text.
cipher: Displays the password in cipher text.
password: Password for tunnel authentication, case sensitive. If you specify the
simple keyword, you can enter a password only in plain text. If you specify the
cipher keyword, you can enter a password in either plain text or cipher text. A
plain text password is a string of 1 to 16 characters that contains no space, for
example, aabbcc. A cipher text password consists of 24 characters, for example,
Description Use the
tunnel password command to specify the password for tunnel
Use the
undo tunnel password command to remove the configuration.
By default, the password for tunnel authentication is null.
Example # Set the password for tunnel authentication to yougotit, specifying to display the
password in cipher text.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] l2tp-group 1
[Sysname-l2tp1] tunnel password cipher yougotit
tunnel timer hello
Syntax tunnel timer hello hello-interval
undo tunnel timer hello
View L2TP group view
Parameter hello-interval: Interval at which the LAC or the LNS sends Hello packets when
receiving no packets, in the range of 60 to 1,000 seconds.
Description Use the
tunnel timer hello command to set the hello interval in sending hello
packets in a tunnel.