auto: Places the specified or all ports in the state of unauthorized initially to allow
only EAPOL frames to pass, and turns the ports into the state of authorized to
allow access to the network after the users pass authentication. This is the most
common choice.
unauthorized-force: Places the specified or all ports in the state of unauthorized,
denying any access requests from users of the ports.
interface interface-list: Specifies an Ethernet port list, which can contain multiple
Ethernet ports. The interface-list argument is in the format of interface-list =
{ interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ]} &
<1-10>, where interface-type represents the port type, interface-number
represents the port number, and & <1-10> means that you can provide up to 10
port indexes/port index lists for this argument. The start port number must be
smaller than the end number and the two ports must of the same type.
Description Use the
dot1x port-control command to set the access control mode for
specified or all ports.
Use the
undo dot1x port-control command to restore the default.
The default access control mode is auto.
Related command: display dot1x.
Example # Set the access control mode of port Ethernet 1/1 to unauthorized-force.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dot1x port-control unauthorized-force interface ethernet 1/1
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/1] dot1x port-control unauthorized-force
dot1x port-method
Syntax In system view:
dot1x port-method { macbased | portbased } [ interface interface-list ]
undo dot1x port-method [ interface interface-list ]
In Ethernet interface view:
dot1x port-method { macbased | portbased }
undo dot1x port-method
View System view/interface view