Chapter 1 - Introduction
14 AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
Installing the Controller and PA-4 Power Chassis
Adept MV Controller
1. Refer to the AdeptSix Controller Installation Guide to install the Adept MV
controller and the PA-4 power chassis.
2. Install the AdeptWindows PC user interface according to instructions in the
controller manual.
Adept SmartController
1. Refer to the AdeptSix Controller Installation Guide to install the SmartController
and the PA-4 power chassis.
2. Install the AdeptWindows PC user interface according to instructions in the
controller manual.
Installing System Cables
1. Connect the system cables between the robot, controller, and PA-4 power chassis.
See Chapter 4.
2. See Figure 4-1 on page 43 for the system cable diagram for an Adept MV
3. See Figure 4-2 on page 44 for the system cable diagram for an SmartController.
Adding End of Arm Tooling
Refer to Chapter 5 for complete information on adding end of arm tooling to the robot.
Turning On the System
Refer to Chapter 6 for an Adept MV controller or Chapter 7 for an SmartController. These
chapters contain checklists to verify the installation is correct and to test all safety circuits
before using the robot.
1.3 Checking Package Contents
When the package arrives, check the contents for the following standard items (check any
other options ordered, as well):
• AdeptSix 300CR Robot
• Adept MV controller or SmartController
• Adept PA-4 power chassis
• Manual Control Pendant (MCP) (optional)
• Controller Interface Panel (CIP2) or Adept Front Panel
• Interconnect cables between controller and robot