Checks After Applying Power
AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A 67
LED Status Indicators on the AWC-II
The LEDs on the front of the AWC-II indicate the following conditions:
O = off G = green R = red
If the AWC-II displays any of the above errors, contact Adept Customer Service (see
“How Can I Get Help?” on page 16).
6.4 Checks After Applying Power
1. Verify that High Power can be enabled:
a. Enter the following command at the dot prompt in the monitor window:
enable power
Or press the COMP/PWR button on the MCP
b. When the High Power push button/light on the CIP-2 begins flashing, press
and hold the push button for 1 - 2 seconds. When you release the push
button, the light should remain lit continuously indicating that High Power
has successfully been enabled.
c. If the light does not stay on, the High Power enable process has failed and a
message will be displayed on the monitor and MCP indicating why.
2. Verify that all E-Stop devices are functional (MCP, CIP-2, and user supplied). Test
each mushroom button, safety gate, light curtain, etc., by enabling High Power
and opening the safety device. The High Power push button/light on the CIP-2
should go out and the red ES LED on the AWC-II should be lit.
Table 6-1. LED Status Indicators
LED Display Error # Description
O-O-O 0 No error.
O-O-R 1
System clock is dead or too fast. Clock interrupts are not being
O-R-O 2 Hardware configuration error. Address switches/SYSCTL wrong.
O-R-R 3 Graphics board failure. VGB not responding.
R-O-O 4 Memory test failure. Free storage error.
R-R-O 6 Software serial I/O configuration error.
G-O-O C Uninitialized trap.
G-O-G D Bus error detected.